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Cara Hapus Cache DNS Website

Written By batikbumi on 10 Sep 2013 | 08.10

Cara Hapus Cache DNS Website
Cache DNS menyimpan lokasi ( alamat IP ) dari webserver yang berisi halaman yang baru anda lihat . Jika lokasi web server berubah sebelum entry dari cache DNS anda terupdate, maka anda tidak akan dapat mengakses website tersebut.
Jika Anda sering mendapat peringatan 404 error saat mengakses halaman website, Anda mungkin perlu menghapus cache DNS Anda . Setelah Anda menghapus cache DNS Anda , komputer Anda akan melakukan query nameserver untuk informasi DNS baru .
Berikut ini adalah cara menghapus cache DNS:

1. Pada Windows ® 8

  1. Tekan Win + X untuk membuka WinX Menu.
  2. Klik kanan pada Command Prompt dan pilih Run as Administrator .
  3. Ketik perintah berikut dan tekan Enter : ipconfig / flushdns
  4. Jika perintah berhasil , Anda akan melihat pesan berikut :

Windows IP configuration successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.

2. Pada Windows 7

  1. Klik tombol Start .
  2. Ketik cmd di menu search.
  3. Klik kanan pada Command Prompt dan pilih Run as Administrator .
  4. Ketik perintah berikut dan tekan Enter : ipconfig / flushdns
  5. Jika perintah berhasil , Anda akan melihat pesan berikut :

Windows IP configuration successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache.

3. Pada Windows XP, 2000, atau Vista ®

  1. Klik tombol Start .
  2. Pada menu Start, klik Run ....
  3. Jika Anda tidak melihat perintah Run di Vista , ketik run pada search bar.
  4. Ketik perintah berikut dalam kotak teks Run : ipconfig / flushdns

4. MacOS ® 10.7 dan 10.8

  1. Klik aplikasi .
  2. Klik Utilities .
  3. Klik dua kali aplikasi Terminal .
  4. Ketik perintah berikut :

sudo killall - HUP mDNSResponder
 Peringatan : Untuk menjalankan perintah ini , Anda harus mengetahui password akun Admin komputer .

5. Pada MacOS 10.5 dan 10.6

  1. Klik aplikasi.
  2. Klik Utilities .
  3. Klik dua kali aplikasi Terminal .

Ketik perintah berikut : sudo dscacheutil - flushcache
08.10 | 3 komentar | Read More

Optimization Robots.txt

Written By batikbumi on 5 Jun 2013 | 05.52

google robot
For a reason, maybe you do not want a web crawler, either from a search engine or other type of web robot to access all or part of your website, then the robots.txt can be used for this purpose.

Robots.txt file is placed at the root of your website (Example: / robots.txt), and is a standard that has been developed since 1994, when indexing web gaining popularity. This standard is not a guarantee that the web crawlers will follow it, it all depends on the cooperation of a web crawler to pay attention to these standards.

If you want to instruct the robot to not access your website at all, just write down the following instructions in the robots.txt file:
User-agent: *

Disallow: /
Line user-agent: *means the robots.txt instruction applies to all web robots. You can change the specific name of the web robot, if you just want to impose on the robots.txt instructions for a particular web robot. While Dissalow: / line means root directory and all its contents are not allowed to be accessed by a web robot.

If you want to protect a particular directory or file, the writing is as follows:
User-agent: *

Disallow: / cgi-bin /

Disallow: / images /

Disallow: / download / browse.php
That instruction means to tell robots not to access the web cgi-bin and images (and its contents), also did not access the file / download / browse.php (but can access files in a directory other than browse.php / download.
05.52 | 0 komentar | Read More

Jasa Pembuatan Website Indonesia

Written By batikbumi on 28 Apr 2013 | 03.14

jasa pembuatan website

Jasa Pembuatan Website Indonesia | Sudah tidak bisa kita pungkiri lagi bahwa perkembangan teknologi informasi khususnya di bidang internet semakin hari semakin bertumbuh dengan kecanggihan yang ditawarkan.
Kita sebagai pengguna tentunya semaksimal mungkin harus bisa mengimbangi dan mengikuti perkembangan teknologi internet. Tentunya mengikuti yang dapat menumbuhkan manfaat bagi kita.

Baik bagi kalangan individu, corporation maupun organisasi harus bisa menyesuaikan dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi yang satu ini.

Saya menyadari untuk mengikuti perkembangan ini tidaklah mudah dilakukan sendiri. Saat ini yang sangat pesat pertumbuhannya adalah website. Website sangat berdampak positif bagi kalangan individu, company maupun sebuah organisasi. Karena dengan memiliki sebuah website kita tidak perlu lagi jauh-jauh keliling dunia untuk mempromosikan barang atau jasa kita, karena itu sudah menjadi tugas website untuk melakukannya selama 24 Jam non stop.

Dalam hal ini saya merekomendasikan bagi anda yang ingin membuat website baik untuk personal branding, company profile maupun saat ini yang sedang trend adalah Online Store, untuk menggunakan jasa pembuatan website Flashmedia.

Jasa Pembuatan Website yang ditawarkan secara umum sama dengan jasa pembuatan website lainnya,  kelebihan website yang dibuat oleh Flashmedia adalah kualitas dan flexibelitas yang akan anda dapatkan dengan harga yang relatif murah. (website murah dengan fitur ok)

Websiteflashmedia memberikan beberapa layanan bagi anda yang memang sedang membutuhkan bantuan dalam bidang ini :

1. Paket jasa pembuatan website company profile.

2. Paket jasa pembuatan website toko online.

3. Paket jasa pembuatan website sekolah.

4. Paket email perusahaan dan multimedia.

Untuk tanya jawab dan Pemesanan website silahkan hubungi :

Wahyu SEP

SMS/telp : 0271-2014901 

Email :

Solo, Jawa Tengah.
03.14 | 1 komentar | Read More

Auto Mass Traffic Generation Software

Written By batikbumi on 26 Jan 2013 | 07.53

Traffic Generation Software Pulls More Instant Traffic Than Internet Giants Google, Yahoo, And Msn Combined!!

If you are interested in

Auto Mass Traffic Generation Software, just click this link Auto Mass Traffic Generation Software.

Auto Mass Traffic Generation Software
Auto Mass Traffic Generation Software

07.53 | 3 komentar | Read More

Keyword Optimization Method

Written By batikbumi on 23 Jan 2013 | 14.19

Keyword Optimization Method
Here I will discuss how the tricks that can be done to optimize the performance of keywords that we use. Because the keyword is the entry point for accessing our website, then we should be more koncern to optimize it. The better keywords that we use is certainly a growing number of visitors / traffic to our blog.
Optimize the keywords on the actual blog page is a tricky, a lot of bloggers who are difficult to optimize keywords in the article. The main key firing the keyword is to make ourselves as readers, to position themselves as someone who was doing googling activity is an effective way to get the main keywords to be used as a title of the article.
After getting the keyword, the next thing is to optimize the keywords on the content of posts / articles. Goal to optimize the keywords in the post is to sharpen and expand the main keywords. Most of the way is:

1. Using singular and plural in the keywords
As an example can be seen in this post, several times I insert the word 'keyword' and 'keywords'. Perhaps this is very simple, but you try to insert the word 'keyword' and 'keywords' in the search engine google, they appeared to have different search results.

2. Using keyword synonyms
The aim of using the word synonym is to expand the mainkeywords, for example you can see in this post several times I change the word 'keyword' with 'key words'.

3. Variations keywords
The purpose of keyword variations actually not much different from using synonym keywords is to expand the keyword. "How tooptimize the keyword" is actually a key word that I expect searched on search engines. But, to further expand as you see in this post I added a little variation of the phrase becomes "how to optimize keywords", "optimize the keywords" and so on.

4. Change the word order
Change the word order is actually a pretty efficient way to expand the search phrase in the search engine, if possible try to change the order of words in a sentence which is used as keywords.

5. Using the wrong spelling
Poorer without us knowing a lot of search engine users are wrong in typing a keyword, multiple keywords actually have a fairly high potency in typing. insert 1 to 2 wrong keyword spelling in this post was enough to help bring traffic to a particular keyword. Examples of key words I've ever used and it efficiently is blackbarrysaid to be blackberry, laptop becomes leptop, business to bussines and much more.
May be useful.
14.19 | 0 komentar | Read More

How To Get Backlinks

Written By batikbumi on 22 Jan 2013 | 07.26

how to get backlinks

Here are some tricks to make your website/blog to be famous and indexed in the top 10 google search engine.
One of the requirements for your website/blog to be famous is to get as many externallinks or non-reciprocal links that point to your website/blog, for that purpose you need to provide more time and more concerned to get the"incoming links".

The trick is:

Website/blog should have a good quality post/article about a solution or anews with a certain niche, so it worth to be a referral link. Website/blog should have a great content. Use the two phrases are enclosed in quotation marks "..." such as: "suggest link" + "key to type thephrase you're looking for"

In addition to "suggest link" use as well:

Suggest a link, Suggestsite, Suggest a site, Suggest URL, Suggest a URL, Add link, Suggest anURL, Add alink, Add site, Add a site, Add URL, Adda URL, Addan URL, Submitlinks, submit a link, submit site, submit a site, submit URL, submit a URLsubmit an URL, favorite links, coolsites, cool places, directory, directorys, directories, and others.

May be useful ..
07.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Checking the Website Performance with Google Search Engine

Written By batikbumi on 21 Jan 2013 | 06.22

Here are some easy ways to check the performanceof the website by using the facilities of Google search engine.

1. The first thingyou can check is whether your website is indexed by google searchengine or not,
by: type


The result will display all of your pages that already indexed by google. By knowing the number of links from your website has beenindexed by search engine google than the number of articles have been posted,so you can knowif your website's performance is optimal or not.

The more your pages that were indexed by googlesearch engine means that the higher the likelihoodyou found thewebsite.

2. The second is how to check how manyother websites that provide a backlinkto your website.
By typing :


on google search engine.

More and more websites or other blogs thatprovide a backlink to your website indicatesthat your websiteis increasingly considered popularby google.

3. The third is how to check the websitewhich is a competitor of your website,  by typing:


on google search engine.

By typing the above line then google will display a list of links of websites that have content that isrelated to the content of your website.

By using the three above then you can know theperformance of your website only with the googlesearch engine. So first and good luck ..
06.22 | 0 komentar | Read More

Best Free SEO Tools

Written By batikbumi on 20 Jan 2013 | 02.05

Search engine optimization involves various processes and tasks. In fact, website optimizers have to juggle links, anchor text, keywords and crawlers all at the same time. While the optimization process can’t be totally automated, there are free SEO tools that can make the work easier.

The number of SEO tools in the World Wide Web is overwhelming, and many of them are offered absolutely free. To make the right choices, here’s a detailed list of the best free SEO tools. These tools vary in the way they are being used.
These free SEO tools are designed for various purposes, but are nonetheless needed in the entire optimization process.

search engine submission program, AddMe is one of the many free SEO tools that submit your URL to search engines so that Internet users can find you online.
It’s perfectly fine to be listed by the major search engines only, such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. However, if you want a wider online audience, try this search engine submission tool.
One good thing about AddMe is that it submits websites to 20 different search engines. With such free SEO tools, you don’t have to go to each end every search engine to enhance your online presence.
After the search engine submission tool submits your site’s keywords, description and URL, you will begin to receive website traffic. Just note that it may take time for all search engines to include your site in their listings.

best SEO tools

One of the most popular free SEO tools, Google Analytics provides comprehensive information and detailed reports about your website. Among these reports are your site’s traffic behavior, funnel data and content visitation among others.
Analytics can also be considered another one of those website promotion tools. It lets you see which parts of your website are generating clicks and leads, as well as the parts to work on to improve website promotion. Tools like the Google Webmaster Console also provide similar information, such as crawling speed, crawling rate and how Google “sees” your backlinks among others.

best SEO tools
Google Analytics

Firefox is a very flexible Web browser. It provides a wealth of useful extensions, including free SEO tools. The Web Developer extension lets you easily remove a site’s javascript components and cascading styles. It also allows you to look at a webpage’s external links. Perhaps the best part about the extension is that you can add your own website promotion tools and other SEO applications to the menu.

best SEO tools
Web Developer Extention

Another one of the free SEO tools that simplifies keyword research, KeywordDiscovery can generate top 100 keywordsthat can help improve your site’s rankings. You simply type in a seed keyword on the tool’s search term suggestion tool, and you get comprehensive keyword data gathered from more than 180 search engines.

best SEO tools
Keyword Discovery

Other free SEO tools out there can’t match the amount of information this Firefox tool provides. This program gathers data on a particular page, along with information regarding a search engine.
Unlike most free SEO tools, SEO for Firefox allows you to directly export information from the SERPs to CSV. Also, the tool gives relevant information, such as page rank, domain age, cache data, backlinks in Yahoo, number of cached pages and number of .edu links among others.

best SEO tools
SEO for firefox

Google’s PageRank Checker is one of the free SEO toolsthat are useful for just about anyone who has a site. It ranks a website according to how popular Google thinks it is. The highest score is 10 and the lowest is one. Furthermore, the ranking is based on the value of the links that lead to your site. The higher a link’s value, the better your site’s page rank.

best SEO tools
Google PR Checker

A combination of these free SEO and website promotion tools is a great idea, especially if you’re serious about your business and search engine optimization efforts. These tools are totally free, so don’t hesitate to try them all out.
02.05 | 3 komentar | Read More