Checking the Website Performance with Google Search Engine

Written By batikbumi on 21 Jan 2013 | 06.22

Here are some easy ways to check the performanceof the website by using the facilities of Google search engine.

1. The first thingyou can check is whether your website is indexed by google searchengine or not,
by: type


The result will display all of your pages that already indexed by google. By knowing the number of links from your website has beenindexed by search engine google than the number of articles have been posted,so you can knowif your website's performance is optimal or not.

The more your pages that were indexed by googlesearch engine means that the higher the likelihoodyou found thewebsite.

2. The second is how to check how manyother websites that provide a backlinkto your website.
By typing :


on google search engine.

More and more websites or other blogs thatprovide a backlink to your website indicatesthat your websiteis increasingly considered popularby google.

3. The third is how to check the websitewhich is a competitor of your website,  by typing:


on google search engine.

By typing the above line then google will display a list of links of websites that have content that isrelated to the content of your website.

By using the three above then you can know theperformance of your website only with the googlesearch engine. So first and good luck ..

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